

Successful conclusion of the 2013-year annual general meeting
News trends
    The 2013-year annual general meeting was held in the meeting room of the third floor of the office building in the morning of 27, June. The shareholders attending the meeting included Zhang Yunsan, Lin Fulong, Liu Yunlong, some directors, the board of supervisors and senior executives, Zhu Yuemei from ShineWing Accounting Firm counting votes, and Shandong Shoucheng Accounting Firm took legal authentication to the meeting.
    Zhang Yunsan, the CEO and general manager, as the chairman, hosted this annual general meeting, in which the 2013-year annual director’s report, 2013-year annual report of board of supervisor and 2013-year annual audit report were passed, coming to a successful conclusion.

Publisher:Information manager   Date:2014-6-21

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